Your journey starts right here, right now.
ORBERA365™ has been tested and proven to be effective. It can help you break through weight loss barriers and a team of experts will help coach you towards keeping the weight off in the long run. Here's what you can expect:
Preparing for ORBERA365™ (Before procedure)
Once you meet with your Specialist to discuss weight loss goals, a comprehensive program will be developed for you, which can include one-on-one coaching and expert guidance on dietary nutrition and fitness. It won't be like anything you've tried before, because it includes ORBERA365™.
The next step is placement of the ORBERA365™ balloon in your stomach to help you exercise portion control and eat smaller meals.
Living with ORBERA365™ (First 6 months after procedure)
Most weight is lost in the first three months, but because the gastric balloon stays in for up to twelve months, you will learn the right amount of food to eat to maintain your new weight.
In the first few days after placement, you may experience nausea or vomiting. In some patients it may last up to one to two weeks. Your Specialist will work with you to prescribe medication that will proactively manage these symptoms and help you adjust to the balloon.
While the ORBERA365™ balloon stays in for up to twelve months, you'll lose the majority of the extra weight you've struggled to shed in the first few months. The adjustments to your eating habits and your continued efforts to stay active will greatly influence your results.
Success after ORBERA365™ (After balloon removal)
Get ready for feelings of joy and accomplishment in the work you've done and the results you've achieved. The information, tools, and support gained along your journey will allow you to stick to healthy lifestyle habits and maintain your weight loss long term.
After six months with the ORBERA® two-part program, people lost an average 3.1x the weight patients lost with diet & exercise alone.
Find a specialist near you to gain the weight loss edge you have been missing
Ready to Gain the Weight Loss Edge You've Been Missing?
We only select the most qualified specialists to perform the ORBERA365™ weight loss balloon procedure. One might be in your area!